From our Vet:
An update on Caylee, she is doing well and has recouped from multiple surgeries. If you remember early this year, PPA found this lovely sole wandering road side and had taken her in to provide her much needed medical attention. She was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and was approx 18lbs when found on the street. The most impressive note is that she was blind, both of her eyes had severe disease and significant chronic conjunctivitis.
She is now 36.8lbs, controlled in her diabetic state, has under gone bilateral enucleation to provide her long lasting relief from severe conjunctivitis and has been spayed. This is all thanks to PPA, I would personally like to thank PPA for giving this girl a second chance at life. She is truly an amazing dog with the most gracious personality. It has been a blessing to be a part of her recovery, I cant wait for her to make her transition into a forever home once she is adopted.
Again, a big thank you to PPA and all those in the field of rescue work as many well deserving dogs and cats are getting a new lease on life thanks to all the efforts, both emotionally and physically, spent in improving their life.
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